Soulsplit (RSPS) Wiki

Lost City Quest.

What you need to complete quest :31 crafting,50 woodcutting, any type of axe (hatchet) , knife, some food to kill boss and if you have 43 pray you might want to pray melee (praying melee she will inflict no damage).

Quest start location: Lumbridge swamp.

Start area

Quest start location.

First talk to warrior then look

 for a tree, on the West of the camp click option chop and talk to guy named Anus.

Now you need teleport to Entrana , you can get there by teleporting , at any spellbook ,City Teleports -> Entrana. 

Getting to boss

Run East through the church, then head West to the Dungeon symbol. Climb down the ladder and run untill tree, cut it and a Level 101 tree spirit will appear. Once you've defeated the Tree Spirit, cut the tree again to get a Dramen branch , use knife on branch and you will get dramen staff.

Now go back to lumbridge swamp w

ield your Dramen staff, and enter the anus of the small hut in the swamp west.
End of quest

Quest Done.

Everyone can edit more info , thanks.

Started by De Pronto..
